Quest for the Crown

The Hockey Guild’s annual charity hockey festival

Archive for April 14, 2009

Big Bear, Big Changes, Bright Future!

The Hockey Guild traversed to Big Bear Ice Arena today to finalize ice schedules and start looking at schematics for the Quest 2 festival and we can’t believe how nice the future looks for our honorable hosts!

The new ownership group and management team welcomed us with open arms and gave us a quick tour of some of the areas being renovated, including the bar area upstairs, the addition of more stands, better locker rooms and of course the grand opening of the state-of-the-art Athletic Republic sports training facility.

Simply put, Big Bear is undergoing big changes – and that means a bright future for the facility, the Front Range Panthers and of course the Quest for the Crown charity hockey festival. Take a look at some of the changes coming up by clicking below:

As you can see, Big Bear is really being brought to life with some much-needed renovations and updates, so this is great news for not only players in the area, but the entire state of Colorado. The Hockey Guild would like to send a special thanks to everyone we met and spoke with today at Big Bear and we wish them the best of luck as they continue to work hard at making these big changes a reality before the start of next season.